Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Update finally!

Hey ya!
Its been such a long time since i logged in to post something. Been quite busy as my new semester starts already. I have Anatomy, Physiology 2, Cell Metabolism and DNA recombinant as my four core units. After nearly three weeks into the semester, i've realised how crazy this sem will be. For example, in Anatomy, we have to remember all the bones, muscles, blood vessels and neurons from head to toe. And trust me, you wouldn't wanna know how many layers of muscle we already have in our arm. That's only Anatomy. Cell metabolism is another killer paper, as said by the seniors. How dead... =(

Well, last week, i had a senior who comitted suicide and passed away. Its because of family pressure and he jumped from the 26th floor in a condo. Its kinda surprising and sad. The fella who was always smiling in the Microbiology lab and lecture - i never guessed he would end up doing this. My condolence to his family and friends. So, if you have anything in your heart, please talk to someone and do not do stupid things, alright?

Baby has been doing assignments these days.. and just completed it finally. I miss her as always and i'm glad that we meet this couple of days. Both of us are not feeling well - fever, flu, sore throat, cough. But we're feeling better now. And my baby is always here to take care of me and accompany me. Thank you sweety, i love you!

Signing off

Jason Lim